Celestia - Frigidiis Apotheosia : Abstinencia Genesiis (2008)
Country: France
Genre: Black Metal
Length: 56:11 min
Size: 74MB
1. She's Dead (Valse Funeste de Decomposition)
2. A Plaintive Cry Merely Echo
3. Admirable Eros Abstraction
4. A Regrettable Misinterpretation of Mournfulness
5. Death of the Lizard Queen (Necro PhaanthasmA)
6. Morbid Romance (ArcanA VI Revisitae)
7. The Seed of Negation (AbnegativiA Rejections)
8. Frigidiis Apotheosia (Dormant rests of Raped NecrosiA)
